Quality Assurance Helper

In a nutshell, any component (irrespectively of being from the core, the MARTe2-components or a project that claims compliance with the MARTe2 QA system) shall meet the following criteria:

  1. The format of the source files shall be according to the styles defined in the QA documentation (see Coding standard);

  2. Projects shall be structured as described in the deploying chapter;

  3. All methods and variables (both private and public) in the header files shall be fully documented, with no doxygen errors;

  4. Each class shall be declared and defined in independent header and unit files

    1. Ideally the header and unit filenames match the class name;

    2. Private helper classes and methods are allowed in the unit files.

  5. All source files shall be linted with no errors (exceptions can be added where needed and will be analysed by the QA reviewer);

  6. Each public method shall be tested at least once:

    1. The name of the testing function shall be TestFunctionToBeTested, where FunctionToBeTested is the name of the public function being tested;

  7. Coverage shall be > 90 % for all components and shall be 100 % for components that do not have any dependency on operating system/hardware calls (e.g. GAMs);

  8. The output of the QA review shall be written in the associated redmine user-story (e.g. https://vcis-redmine.f4e.europa.eu/issues/351);

  9. Once the user-story is QA reviewed it shall be merged into the develop branch;

  10. Every project release (i.e. merge into the master branch) shall be preceded by a QA review of the develop branch (e.g. https://vcis-redmine.f4e.europa.eu/issues/674);


After obtaining a user-story number, the developer of a feature (e.g. a new component) shall create a new branch in the relevant git repository with the name UID-FeatureName, where the UID is the user-story unique identifier and the FeatureName is a CaMeL set of words that identify the feature.

Once the development is deemed to be completed (including all the QA features described above), it shall be validated using the QAHelper python tool.

By default the QAHelper will execute all the QA checks described above and report in the selected output formats.

A merge request in the develop branch shall only be requested when no errors are reported by the QAHelper. A redmine output report shall be generated and its contents written on the feature’s user-story.

usage: QAHelper.py [-h] [-l {CRITICAL,ERROR,WARNING,INFO,DEBUG}] [-b BRANCH]
               [-r ROOTDIR] [-s SOURCEDIR] [-g GTESTFOLDER] [-a AUTHORS]
               [-ru REVIEWAUTHOR] [-df DFILE] [-af]
               [-if [LINTINCLUDES [LINTINCLUDES ...]]]
               [-ii [LINTIGNORE [LINTIGNORE ...]]] [-xx LINTEREXEC]
               [-xd LINTERDIR] [-xh LINTERHOSTNAME]
               [-xi [LINTERINCLUDE [LINTERINCLUDE ...]]]
               [-xu LINTERUSERNAME] [-xf LINTERFILENAME]
               [-xo LINTEROUTPUTFILENAME]
               [-xg [LINTERGREP [LINTERGREP ...]]] [-lg LCOVEXEC]
               [-lf [LCOVFILTER [LCOVFILTER ...]]] [-ld LCOVOUTPUTDIR]
               [-lp LCOVPREFIX] [-le] [-la LCOVMINLINES] [-lb LCOVMINFUN]
               [-do DOXYGENFILE] [-gg GTESTEXEC]
               [-gf [GTESTFILTER [GTESTFILTER ...]]] [-gd GTESTOUTPUTDIR]
               [-gp GTESTOUTPUTFILEPREFIX] [-ge] [-gt GTESTTARGET] [-ed]
               [-el] [-ex] [-ec] [-eh] [-ef] [-eg] [-er]
Script to support the QA activities
optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
                        Log level, one of: CRITICAL, ERROR, WARNING, INFO,
  -b BRANCH, --branch BRANCH
                        Target branch against which the changes should be
  -r ROOTDIR, --rootdir ROOTDIR
                        The project root directory
  -s SOURCEDIR, --sourcedir SOURCEDIR
                        The project Source directory
                        The project GTest directory
  -a AUTHORS, --authors AUTHORS
                        The project AUTHORS file
                        The name of the person who did the QA review
  -df DFILE, --dfile DFILE
                        Validate a specific file (mostly for debug)
  -af, --allfiles       Validates all source files (mostly for debug)
                        Lint list of includes files to be linted
                        Lint list of files to be ignored
  -xx LINTEREXEC, --linterexec LINTEREXEC
                        Linter executable
  -xd LINTERDIR, --linterdir LINTERDIR
                        Directory where to trigger the lint from
                        Linter hostname
                        Linter source directories to be rsynced
                        Linter target directories to be rsynced (should have
                        the same size of linterrsyncsource)
                        Linter directories not to be rsynced
                        Linter include directories
                        Linter server username
                        Linter input filename
                        Linter output filename
                        Grep out these keywords
  -lg LCOVEXEC, --lcovexec LCOVEXEC
                        Lcov GTest executor location
                        Lcov GTest filters
                        Where to write the lcov temporary output files
  -lp LCOVPREFIX, --lcovprefix LCOVPREFIX
                        Lcov GTest build file prefix
  -le, --lcovexecdisable
                        Disable the lcov program? Mostly used for debug
                        Minimum line coverage ([0, 1])
  -lb LCOVMINFUN, --lcovminfun LCOVMINFUN
                        Minimum function coverage ([0, 1])
  -do DOXYGENFILE, --doxygenfile DOXYGENFILE
                        Name of the doxygen file
  -gg GTESTEXEC, --gtestexec GTESTEXEC
                        GTest executor location
                        GTest filters
                        Where to write the gtest output files
                        GTest build file prefix
  -ge, --gtestexecdisable
                        Disable the GTest execution and using outputs from
                        previous tests? Mostly used for debug
  -gt GTESTTARGET, --gtesttarget GTESTTARGET
                        GTest target platform
  -ed, --excludedoxygen
                        Disable doxygen checking
  -el, --excludelinterincludes
                        Disable linter include checking
  -ex, --excludelinterexec
                        Disable linter execution checking
  -ec, --excludecoverage
                        Disable coverage checking
  -eh, --excludeheaders
                        Disable headers checking
  -ef, --excludefunctional
                        Disable functional tests checking
  -eg, --excludegtest   Disable GTest checking
  -er, --excludereport  Disable reporting (mostly for debug)
                        Redmine output file
                        HTML output file
                        List of files that are not supposed to be tested